
We are happy you are here. Our aim is to provide you with personalized, evidence-based, and comprehensive services that are aligned with our core principles of safety, restoration, healing, and wellness. This page is designed to guide you through the process of beginning services with the Kellin Foundation. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our office at (336) 429-5600.

Complete a Referral Form

Are you seeking services for yourself or someone else? Complete and submit a referral form in one of three ways:

  1. Click the button below to complete the form online; OR

  2. If you would prefer to print a form and complete it, click here to download the form, follow the instructions, and submit it to our team.

  3. Call our office at (336)429-5600 to complete a phone screening.

Upon submission, a Kellin Foundation staff member will contact you to complete the intake process.

Important Client Information